Blog Center

Jan 27

DREAM will be at 6G Wireless Summit 2020 in Levi – Finland

A team of researchers of the DRAM project will attend the 6G – Wireless Summit ( in Levi, Lapland – Finland from 17 to 20 March 2020. The following paper will be presented: “Characterization of Interconnects on Multilayer High Frequency PCB for D-Band”, by Antti Lamminen, Markku Lahti, David del... read more →
Dec 10

Third Towards Terahertz Communications Workshop – 12-13 March 2020

The third edition of the “Toward Terahertz Communications Workshop” has been organized on March 12-13 2020 by the Beyond 5G cluster. The workshop will be hosted by IMEC (BE). Status of the projects in the cluster, including DREAM, will be presented and future perspectives will be discussed.
Dec 02

DREAM will be at 14th European Conference on antenna and Propagation (EuCAP 2020) – 15-20 March 2020

Researchers involved in the DREAM project will participate to the European Conference on Antenna and Propagation (EuCAP-2020) in Copenhagen – Denmark ( 15-20 March 2020. The following contribution will be presented in the workshop “Integration challenges for mm-wave phased arrays”: “Design of advanced mm-wave phased arrays with consideration to manufacturing... read more →
Nov 14
Nov 14

Positive result for DREAM’s second review

Following the meeting held on 8-9 October in Brussels, the European Commission released a positive review for the second year of the DREAM project. According to the EC, DREAM has successfully achieved most of its objectives and milestones for the second period, planning to provide results with significant immediate or potential... read more →
Oct 14

5th Meeting of the Partners in Brussels – 8 October 2019

The fifth periodic meeting of DREAM was held in Brussels. Representatives for all the DREAM partners attended for the review of the project Objectives and Work Packages. Experimental results and achievements so far have been shared and carefully analyzed. Particular attention was paid to plan the next steps toward development... read more →
Sep 02
Aug 26

DREAM will be at IEEE European Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC-2019) – 23-26 September 2019

Researchers involved in the DREAM project will participate to the European Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC-2019) in Krakow – Poland ( .On Sept. 25th Dr. Mahmoud Madipouri will present the paper “40GHz Frequency Tripler with High Fundamental and Harmonics Rejection in 55nm SiGe-BiCMOS” showing initial results on the frequency synthesis... read more →
Aug 26

DREAM will be at IEEE 5G World Forum – 1st October 2019

A team of researchers involved in the DREAM project will participate to the workshop “From Evolution to Revolution, a Roadmap for Beyond 5G” at the 5G World Forum. The workshop will be on October 1st , 2019 and the program is available at the following link  
Jun 25